Twitter dorks! Part 1
In my earlier write up, I’d explained about the utilities of Advanced Search Operators on search engines, today we’ll learn how to to use advanced search operators on Twitter. Without any further ado, let’s begin!
- min_retweets:XXX
This operator helps you to retrieve information about minimum number of tweets against any trending hashtags. There is a caveat here, try to keep the number low after colon, maybe 100, 200 or 300 for better results.
- From:@handlename To:@handlename
This operator is super useful when it comes to who tweeted to whom! Just follow along as the image shows and that will work like magic.
- videos “keyword”
This operator is helpful in searching for videos linked to the keyword that you add. Lately “pawri” video became viral (Mostly in India and Pakistan) and people started making more memes out of it. As you can see in the image, videos linked to “pawri” are shown as search results.
- filter:images
This operator can be used when you are searching for images of particular hashtag or just a keyword (whether name of the person or event).
- filter:verified
This operator can be used with a keyword or any trending hashtag. This is very useful indeed as it gives you the information about verified accounts who supported or went against particular hashtags.
- since:yyyy-mm-dd
This operator helps you to get the results of on or after (inclusive) a specified date against hashtags or keywords that you add.
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